Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I wuv you

It finally happened......I have been waiting to hear these words for a long time. Yesterday as e were in the playroom and I was kissing baby Chrissy in her bed for the millionth time, mind you in a very specific order. Amelia looked over at me and said, "I wuv you". To say the least my heart melted and she ran over and gave me a hug and kiss. It was a great moment.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Singing and Dancing Queen

Wanting to get Amelia on the technology bandwagon, we downloaded all of her Hi-5 and Doodlebop songs onto my little iPod. She loves to use it especially when she is in her stroller and we are walking downtown. Here is her singing and dancing to "Get on the Bus" and "Hide your Eyes and Count to Ten". It is priceless!

Another day, another swollen eye!

I think I am out of the running for mother of the year. Sunday afternoon Amelia gets yet another mosquito bite but on her right eye this time. At least this one is below her eye and she can still see.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mommy and Mia

This is my favorite of Amelia and I, usually I am the one holding the camera so a picture of her and I is rare.

Cute shots

Wanted to post a few new pictures that I have taken recently. She is standing in a cooler of water in this one. This is pre-swollen eye.

Poor girl has one working eye

We wake up Saturday morning and Amelia's left eye is swollen shut. We think it was from a mosquito bite that we caught a glimpse of on Friday night. I took her to the clinic right when they opened and Dr. Patel wanted to be on the safe side as he could not see a bite mark, so he prescribed her Cefalexin. She could be the worst medicine taker I have seen in my life so this could be a problem. She needs to take it 4 times daily.

It is now Sunday afternoon and I can just barely see her eye peeking ou,t to my relief as I have been worried sick. We tried mixing her noon meds with yogurt. Worked like a charm!