Monday, December 1, 2008

Itty Bitty Toes

I just love this picture. It reminds me of cozy days at home spent in our pajamas.....all day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies....YUM!

We made cookies the other day with much success, not too much of a mess. I even started herearly on eating the cookie dough!

Macey and Me

Amelia has a newfound love for our dog Macey. She wants to constantly smother her. To say the least Macey is not real thrilled, but tolerates it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My buddies

Amelia has made some great friends since she has been living in Lake Geneva, but her best buddies have to be Caleb and Kennedy. They live only a couple houses away from us and moved here about the same time as us. They have so much fun together (most of the time). This is a picture of them when Caleb and Kena came over for a playdate.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Amelia's new art project

As many of you know I have launched a new business endeavor and have taken over the spare bedroom as my new sewing studio. Well with every good idea I have several bad ones and my latest was to bring our extra large dry erase board out of hiding to use in the 'studio' to keep track of my projects. Good idea in theory but not when you have a 2.5 year old. She has taken over th board as her ongoing art project, unfortunately we can't remember to put the caps on and has anyone ever tried to get dry erase marker out of clothing....not so much.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Grannie and Bubbie Visit

We were so fortunate to have my parents come for a visit in early-mid October. My dad and brother-in-law Al along with Bob were able to install a brand new furnace in our home. We already notice a huge difference in the warmth in our house, it is so exciting. I will feel so much better about paying the heating bill this year. My dad and brother-in-law needed to get back to work and only staye the weekend, but we very blessed to have my mom all week long. We finished up some painting in Amelia's room. She has an original Mary Ann Lesnau mural of a house on her wall. It looks pretty fantastic, and I added a tree on the opposite wall. I still have to add the leaves, I found some great scrapbook paper to use.
Grannie also got to participate in our normal everyday activities such as art class and gym class. We had fun and the time flew by like it always does. My mom took the train system home, not sure she was so fond of it and of course the price of the ticket went up right before we bought it. But it is definitely an option to look at in the future and if you do it right, you can get here for about $32.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick or Treat

Lake Geneva has their trick or treating on the Sunday before Halloween, so we braved the winds and was blessed with sun (the forecast said rain, maybe snow). Amelia was a ballerina princess with wings. She absolutely loved the tutu I made her and the magic wand was the icing on the cake. I was so happy that I could make her happy! We started at the Lake Geneva Museum for a parade down the museum's main street, then we went downtown as most of the stores participated in handing out candy and then we moseyed our way back home.

All tired out!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here are the afters.....

First Haircut

This was a very dramatic day for Bob and I. Her first haircut was brutal on the emotional side. I think it went downhill when I said we were cutting off her baby hair....boohoohoo. She was growing up and not so much a baby anymore. Amelia on the otherhand did great, she sat there like a champ and did not cry at all. Here is a before .............

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grandpa & Amelia

Amelia had a lot of fun when Grandma and Grandpa Furlo came for a visit in September. We packed alot of fun into just a few days, I think Amelia had the most fun when we went to the playground and Grandpa was trying out all the playground equipment. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of both Grandma and Grandpa going down the slides, but it was pretty fun to see. The picture is from when we were walking around downtown.

Apple Orchard

I am obviously terrible at keeping up with blogging, although I am great at reading other people's blogs.

Anyway we have been to the Royal Oak Farm Orchard twice so far this year, once with Grandma and Grandpa Furlo and once 2 weeks later, beacuse I am an apple hound and we needed more apples. We had a great time although I was embarrassed when my child along with her grandparents engulfed $100 worth of raspberries when we only paid for $6 worth, but once I was able to drag them all out of the patch we were okay. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Making up for lost time

I am not as good at this blogging thing as I thought I might be, but I am going to try and make up for some lost time. In the past month we spent some time in Michigan, 10 days to be exact, went to a friends wedding, went to a Grandma's 90th birthday party. We went to the Venetian Festival here in Lake Geneva and Amelia was able to ride on some carnival rides. She had a blast as seen below.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I wuv you

It finally happened......I have been waiting to hear these words for a long time. Yesterday as e were in the playroom and I was kissing baby Chrissy in her bed for the millionth time, mind you in a very specific order. Amelia looked over at me and said, "I wuv you". To say the least my heart melted and she ran over and gave me a hug and kiss. It was a great moment.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Singing and Dancing Queen

Wanting to get Amelia on the technology bandwagon, we downloaded all of her Hi-5 and Doodlebop songs onto my little iPod. She loves to use it especially when she is in her stroller and we are walking downtown. Here is her singing and dancing to "Get on the Bus" and "Hide your Eyes and Count to Ten". It is priceless!

Another day, another swollen eye!

I think I am out of the running for mother of the year. Sunday afternoon Amelia gets yet another mosquito bite but on her right eye this time. At least this one is below her eye and she can still see.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mommy and Mia

This is my favorite of Amelia and I, usually I am the one holding the camera so a picture of her and I is rare.

Cute shots

Wanted to post a few new pictures that I have taken recently. She is standing in a cooler of water in this one. This is pre-swollen eye.

Poor girl has one working eye

We wake up Saturday morning and Amelia's left eye is swollen shut. We think it was from a mosquito bite that we caught a glimpse of on Friday night. I took her to the clinic right when they opened and Dr. Patel wanted to be on the safe side as he could not see a bite mark, so he prescribed her Cefalexin. She could be the worst medicine taker I have seen in my life so this could be a problem. She needs to take it 4 times daily.

It is now Sunday afternoon and I can just barely see her eye peeking ou,t to my relief as I have been worried sick. We tried mixing her noon meds with yogurt. Worked like a charm!